You can always tell what the hate-filled, left-wing fringe extremists
are up to by what they accuse YOU of doing.
The above is paraphrase of an Ann Coulter axiom. So, maybe she's not your favorite pundit, but you have to admit there's a bit of truth in that statement.
Were you watching the news Friday? Did you see President Obama signing the new law extending Cash for Clunkers to the tune of another $2 Billion? Really? You saw it, too?
I really thought all that bragging from Congress about how "successful" their C.A.R.S. program was must have been a sketch from Jon Stewart or something. I cannot believe that congress is proud of giving away ONE BILLION DOLLARS of our money, probably borrowed from China, in only 4 days. Seriously now, they thought a billion bucks would last for four months. It only lasted for 4 days. And that's success?! Wow, you guys really blew the lid off that one. People like "free" money when they're buying cars. We'll, when they're ordering backordered cars. So adding another $2 Billion to the kitty should last, what, 8 days? And if so, will we hear more about "success?"
are up to by what they accuse YOU of doing.
The above is paraphrase of an Ann Coulter axiom. So, maybe she's not your favorite pundit, but you have to admit there's a bit of truth in that statement.
Were you watching the news Friday? Did you see President Obama signing the new law extending Cash for Clunkers to the tune of another $2 Billion? Really? You saw it, too?
I really thought all that bragging from Congress about how "successful" their C.A.R.S. program was must have been a sketch from Jon Stewart or something. I cannot believe that congress is proud of giving away ONE BILLION DOLLARS of our money, probably borrowed from China, in only 4 days. Seriously now, they thought a billion bucks would last for four months. It only lasted for 4 days. And that's success?! Wow, you guys really blew the lid off that one. People like "free" money when they're buying cars. We'll, when they're ordering backordered cars. So adding another $2 Billion to the kitty should last, what, 8 days? And if so, will we hear more about "success?"